We are their agents.

Frenzy Beach is a Japanese creator who expresses Japanese culture with the essence of Ukiyo-e and a new sensibility.
Frenzy's latest work, the "EdoVivid" series, is now available in the NFT Art Collection.

© 2022-2025 Frenzy Beach

Yasuhiro Hanatani
1976年兵庫県生まれ。幼少から六甲山で登山に親しむ。 1996年にラトナチュリ峰(ネパール ・ 7035m)に初登頂。 以来、世界各地で登山を実践。2012年にキャシャール峰(ネパール・6770m)南ピラー初登攀で、ピオレドール賞を受賞。 2015年より若手登山家養成プロジェクト「ヒマラヤキャンプ」を開始、2017年より甲斐駒ヶ岳黒戸尾根の七丈小屋の運営を開始するなど、国内外で幅広く活動中。 ホームグランドとして活動する北杜市をベースに、登山に関わる様々な活動をする中で、北杜市とTHE NORTH FACEの包括連携事業をサポート。 同事業の拡充を目指し、二次交通の構築や登山道整備事業、小中学生対象の登山学校など多岐にわたって登山文化の継承と発展に寄与すべく活動している。 (日本山岳ガイド協会認定・山岳ガイドステージII、北杜市ふるさと親善大使)
Mountain Climber
Born in 1976 in Hyogo Prefecture. He became familiar with mountain climbing as a child on Mt. In 1996, he made the first ascent of Ratnachuli Peak (Nepal, 7035m). In 2012, he was awarded the Prix Piéole d'Or for his first ascent of the South Pillar of Kashyar Peak (Nepal, 6770m). He has been active in a wide range of activities in Japan and abroad, including starting the "Himalaya Camp" project for training young mountaineers in 2015, and running Nanatake Hut on Kuroto One, Kaikomagatake, since 2017. Based in Hokuto City, which serves as his home ground, he supports the comprehensive collaboration project between Hokuto City and THE NORTH FACE in the course of his various mountaineering-related activities. Aiming to expand this project, he is working to contribute to the inheritance and development of mountaineering culture in a wide range of areas, including the construction of secondary transportation systems, mountain trail maintenance projects, and mountain climbing schools for elementary and junior high school students. (Certified as a Stage II Mountain Guide by the Japan Mountain Guides Association and a Hokuto City Hometown Goodwill Ambassador)
© 1976-2025 Yasuhiro Hanatani

Photo by Ryosuke Nakai
Masaki Hagino
1987年生まれ。2008年、Fabric Workshop and Museum (Philadelphia, US)にてApprentice Programに参加。Pennsylvania State UniversityにてProf. Lonnie Grahamの下で聴講生。 2011年に名古屋市立大学芸術工学部にて森下良三教授に師事。BFAを取得後に渡独。2019年、Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle にてDiploma(MA)取得。Sophia Shama, Tilo Baumgärtelに師事。近年の展示に"Deconstruction of painting", KenFineArt (2024) , Es weilt im Inneren", Eko-Haus,, Düsseldorf (2023)など。 萩野は2011年よりドイツでキャリアをスタートし、主観的認識をキーワードに、脳科学、哲学を研究に取り入れ「絵画作品と人間の知覚の関係性」をコンセプトにドイツと日本を拠点に活動中。
Contemporary painting artist. Born in 1987 in Japan. Based and woking in Amsterdam and Cologne. BA at Nagoya City University in Japan in 2011. Completed Diploma (MA) at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art Halle in Germany in 2019.
Research Thema :
"Representation of inner reality - Dealing with subjective perception by means of a multidimensional perspective system-"
- Master thesis at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art in Halle, Germany.